Monday, January 14, 2008

Remember This One?

I thought I would re-post one of my favourite posts for you all to read. Its also quite long so it should suffice for awhile yeah?

It is human nature to speculate upon the meaning of life. It has baffled some of histories greatest minds, eluded poets, and been the reason for alot of navel gazing throughout time.......

Some believe, life is a series of lessons to be learned and that in learning them, we prepare ourselves to move onto our next life, where we learn still more and gradually the secrets of the universe are revealed, we achieve enlightment and realise our full potential and find our true place in the cosmic order of all things.

Sounds great doesn’t it? I think so. Which is why I too spend time in contemplation of life, the universe and everything, (I do not however navel gaze.....)

Imagine then, my friends, my excitement when I had a cosmic revelation whilst washing the dishes tonight. I have learned one of the life lessons. I am one step closer to enlightment. My wings are being made for me as I type this very post. Tonight, one of the universes biggest secrets was revealed to me. It was the answer to a question that has plagued and frustrated me for 13 I know and will share it with you all, so you too may be one step closer (and in doing so, hope I get really BIG wings...)

I know why children don’t listen. It is a form of karmic punishment for parents. Yup. Go on, laugh. But, I am right. As a parent, my biggest frustration is that my children don’t listen to me. They do not value my years of acquired wisdom and life experience and in dismissing it they invariably get hurt. I know that putting your finger in a fan hurts, ALOT. Do they believe me? No, as a result, at one time or another all of my 3 children have put their fingers into a moving fan. I know that falling out of speeding billy cart hurts. Does this stop them from doing it.... nope.
After yet another dinner time of telling G-man to chew with his mouth shut, use your fork and get your elbows off the table, discouraged I got up and went to wash the dishes. DH can handle it. Angry, I went through the mental conversation all parents know.... why don’t they just listen? Why don’t they do as they are told? I have told them a million times! Am I speaking English? Are they deaf? WHY DONT THEY JUST LISTEN!!!!!!

That was when it happened folks. The moment. It was magical. Children do not listen, because we did not listen to our parents. They did not listen to theirs. It is punishment for not heeding good advice; given freely, when we should have, as children.......My dad calls it parent’s revenge. Have you ever noticed the smug look grandparents get when your child misbehaves, you know the one that says "Ha Ha! Sucked in!" Usually followed by "You were worse as a child..."

Does this mean we give up? No. See there is the lesson. We know they won’t listen, but we have to keep trying. We have to keep telling them what will hurt them and trying to protect them, it is our whole purpose as parents. To keep trying, keep banging your head against that wall, no matter how hard, how much it hurts, because we are their parents and we love them and we are trying to raise adults who will contribute to society and make the world a better place. This is the lesson we learn.

It is also known as unconditional love.As for the kids, eventually they grow up, keep making mistakes we warned them about in advance and hopefully, if we did our job right, they have kids of their own, stand at the sink, frustrated at why kids don’t listen, and have a cosmic revelation of their own.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes I do remember this one.

What's more, it's particularly relevant to my life at the moment.

You never cease to freak me out with your innate ability to tap into the human psyche.