Monday, January 14, 2008

I Missed You...

Hey Guys,

Well here we are again huh?

What can I say, I missed you all so much. Well that and I missed being able to talk and know at least someone was listening!

I cannot promise absolute regularity, or even sanity, but I can promise, I will do my very best to be here some of the time.

God, it feels great to be home....


roseys madhouse said...

OMG I am so glad you are back I missed you. I have now added you he he. Hey have you checked out this blog before hilarious stuff

Ruth.... said...

Ahhh... something worth reading and turning on the computer for. Cool!! :D Are you incognito or out and aboutish ? Ruth

Ruth.... said...

P.S. Hehe... I tripped over your Revelry Account the other day, looking for Melbourne based spinners. I signed on as your friend...hehe Small world!

Merry Munchkin Designs said...

Hey Guys!!!

Nearly had a heart attack when I saw 3 comments already...

I am not incognito, just laying low.

The Revelry account, I had completely forgotten about it!

Thanks for coming by guys, missed you both so much!

Anonymous said...

I am elated that you're back!

You've no idea how much I freakin' missed you.

Anonymous said...

miss you, too.

Anonymous said...

how long is forever?

because that is how long i will always love you...